This page is part of the "tools" section of a site, Plato and his dialogues, dedicated to developing a new interpretation of Plato's dialogues. The "tools" section provides historical and geographical context (chronology, maps, entries on characters and locations) for Socrates, Plato and their time.
For more information on the structure of entries and links available from them, read the notice at the beginning of the index of persons and locations.
To Perseus
general lookup,
in ancient authors.
The following speeches of Demosthenes are available at Perseus :
Olynthiac 1,
Olynthiac 2,
Olynthiac 3,
Philippic 1,
On the Peace,
Philippic 2,
On the Halonnesus,
On the Chersonese,
Philippic 3,
Philippic 4,
Reply to Philip's Letter,
Philip's Letter,
On Organization,
On the Navy-Boards,
On the Liberty of the Rhodians,
For the Megalopolitans,
On the Accession of Alexander,
On the Crown,
On the False Embassy,
Against Leptines,
Against Midias,
Against Androtion,
Against Aristocrates,
Against Timocrates,
Against Aristogiton 1,
Against Aristogiton 2,
Against Aphobus 1,
Against Aphobus 2,
Against Aphobus,
Against Ontenor,
Against Ontenor,
Against Zenothemis,
Against Apatourius,
Against Phormio,
Against Lacritus,
For Phormio,
Against Pantaenetus,
Against Nausimachus and Xenopeithes,
Against Boeotus 1,
Against Boeotus 2,
Against Spudias,
Against Phaenippus,
Against Macartatus,
Against Leochares,
Against Stephanus 1,
Against Stephanus 2,
Against Evergus and Mnesibulus,
Against Olympiodorus,
Against Timotheus,
Against Polycles,
On the Trierarchic Crown,
Against Callippus,
Against Nicostratus,
Against Conon,
Against Callicles,
Against Dionysodorus,
Against Eubulides,
Against Theocrines,
Against Neaera,
Funeral Speech,
Erotic Essay,
Plato and his dialogues : Home
- Biography - Works
- History of interpretation - New
hypotheses - Map of dialogues : table
version or non tabular version.
Tools : Index of persons and locations - Detailed
and synoptic chronologies - Maps
of Ancient Greek World. Site information : About
the author.
First published January 4, 1998 - Last updated
December 5, 1998
© 1998 Bernard
SUZANNE (click on name to send your comments via
Quotations from theses pages are authorized provided
they mention the author's name and source of quotation (including date
of last update). Copies of these pages must not alter the text and must
leave this copyright mention visible in full.